Please note that the following meetings/drop-in sessions have been organised for Herefordshire residents to find out more information and ask questions about the current “Revised Preferred Option” which is the future plan for the county and now covers the period 2011-2031. This plan is out for public consultation until Monday 28th November 2011.
Monday 7th November 2-5pm Drop-in session at Innesfield Community Centre, Clehonger, Herefordshire (Directions:- as you enter Clehonger from Hereford City turn left into Birch Hill Road (signposted village hall); turn right at the crossroads into Gosmore Rd and then the next left into Innesfield).
Monday 7th November 7-9pm public meeting at Whitecross High School, Three Elms Road, Hereford. Doors open at 6.30pm and officers will give a brief presentation before a question and answer session.
Wednesday 9th November 7pm Dinedor Village Hall a meeting for residents of Hollington ward with their ward member Councillor Sinclair-Knipe.
If you would like help responding to the public consultation Here for Hereford have prepared a simple questionnaire which can be completed and returned Freepost to the Forward Planning Dept of Herefordshire Council. This questionnaire does not address all the issues particular to the rural areas and the market towns so if you are responding from these areas please make additional points in writing to accompany the questionnaire and return before Monday 28th November 2011
To see the questionnaire and to print a copy click on this link